Let’s Welcome the…Dinosaurs?

Dearest Readers,

One of the things I love about Glasgow is that there’s always something new happening. A restaurant closes to be quickly replaced by another one. A patch of grass is set up on an open concrete space, and people are invited to hang out there. Sometimes there is, seemingly randomly, a DJ or musicians performing with speakers and a stage because of some festival I didn’t know what happening.

Last week, however, was the best sudden happening yet.


I walk through the Botanics almost every day. Imagine my surprise when one slightly-cloudy morning, there was a large truck and a forklift unloading dinosaurs right outside one of the gates. And some dinosaurs just inside the gates.

I quickly saw the posters announcing Jurassic Kingdom, a family-friendly dinosaur attraction, beginning August 26 and ending September 10. It will be set up in the Botanics, or at least parts of the Botanics, and I have the pleasure of walking passed the ever-moving dinosaurs and dinosaur parts until it opens, and I’ll probably have to walk around.

And yes, I did say dinosaur parts.

There’s a tail and a head on the left there.

I’m really looking forward to seeing all the dinosaurs fully-assembled and in-action once Jurassic Kingdom opens. Visiting such majesty will be a nice break from working on the final days of my dissertation.

Until then, I will play spot-the-difference on my way to and from the library.

Your Bonnie Celtophile,


Questions? Thoughts? Inspiring Ideas?